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                Professional design of semi-automatic, fully automated printing machine equipment


                Professional design of semi-automatic, fully automated printing machine equipment

                Flame processor

                Technical parameter

                TECHNICAL DATA
                Flame width150 mm (standard)
                Rotary station standard20PCS / High with 30 PCS
                Processing product diameterΦ20mm~200mm
                Handling product height50mm~300mm
                Fastest speed40/min
                Combustion gasStandard petroleum gas
                Helping gasCompressed air 8KGF/CM2
                power supply220V/50HZ
                Conveyor speed2-8M/MIN
                Speed modeElectronic stepless speed regulation
                Conveyor size1500*550*1200MM(L*W*H)

                Functional characteristics

                This product is mainly used for flame treatment on the surface of various bottles and cylinders of PE and PP plastic products. After the plastic products processed by this machine are printed, the ink can be more firmly attached to the objects to be printed.

                1. The machine is equipped with a general-purpose cone-shaped support, which can meet the requirements of the general bottle mouth. Special sizes can be equipped.
                2. The conveyor belt conveyor adopts a miniature speed control motor to adjust the speed in a stepless speed adjustment mode to suit the different requirements of different workpieces.
                3. The design of the nozzle and converging nozzle is advanced and unique, with good fire-spraying effect and high fuel utilization efficiency. It is an energy-saving product.
                4, the whole structure is novel, the design is reasonable, the operation is convenient, the bottom is equipped with movable casters, easy to move.