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                Professional design of semi-automatic, fully automated printing machine equipment


                Professional design of semi-automatic, fully automated printing machine equipment

                Servo Shuttle Four Color Pad Printing Machine

                Technical parameter

                TECHNICAL DATA
                Standard steel plate size150*75 mm/150*100 mm
                working desk size100*200 mm
                Air consumption150L/min(6bar)
                Dimensions850*575*1210 mm
                Package Size1000*740*1350 mm

                Functional characteristics

                This machine adopts servo motor to drive the guide gauge shuttle station, which is uniform, smooth and smooth. It is controlled by Jiangdian switch and takes a walk. PLC programmable control, liquid crystal display, easy to operate. Different programs can be selected according to the printing needs of the product. The four-color shuttle printing machine can complete a single product four times at a time, and the shuttle table is accurate and does not take the place. Save operating procedures and increase work efficiency.