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                Professional design of semi-automatic, fully automated printing machine equipment


                Professional design of semi-automatic, fully automated printing machine equipment


                Technical parameter

                TECHNICAL DATA
                No. of Colors1
                Ink Cup Size-
                Plate SizeL 100 * W 100,150 mm

                Worktable SizeL 130 * W 140 mm
                Workpiece Height-
                Workpiece Length-
                Workpiece DiameterΦ 40 mm
                Printing AreaL 80 * W 80 mm

                L 80 * W 130 mm

                Printing Speed1200pcs/hr
                Air Consumption130L/min
                Air Pressure4-6 bar
                Vertical Stroke80 mm
                Horizontal Stroke125 mm
                Up/Down Worktable150 mm
                Power Supply220v/110V 50/60HZ
                Machine DimensionL 650 * W 585 * H 1296 mm
                Package DimensionL 800 * W 740 * H 1380 mm
                Net Weight74.5 kgs
                Gross Weight99.5 kgs

                Functional characteristics

                1. Controlled by Microcomputer.
                2. Equipped with four-digit auto counter.
                3. Light weight and made with high-quality aluminum material components.
                4. Two printing heads and two ink trays. (Option)
                5. Vertical stroke and speed can be adjusted independently.
                6. Auto balanced blade, scraping cleanly
                7. Cannot leave blank lines before and after loading the machine to prevent pauses when the ink is dried.
                8. Ink roller is easy to assemble and disassemble for easy cleaning.