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                Professional design of semi-automatic, fully automated printing machine equipment


                Professional design of semi-automatic, fully automated printing machine equipment

                Plane/curved dual-use UV curing machine

                Technical parameter

                ApplicationThe UV curing machine is mainly used for the photo-solid drying of UV inks printed on the surfaces of various bottles and cylindrical objects. After adjusting the light irradiation angle, the UV curing machine can also be used for the photo-curing of the UV ink on the surface of the flat objects.

                Max.substrate sizefor flat substrate200*120MM(W×H)
                for cylindrical substrate∮150*300MM(Width:120MM)
                Conveyor speed rang2-10M/MIN
                Speed adjustment modeelectonic stepless change
                Lamp wattage5.2KW(Factory Bridge UV Light)
                Exhauster wattage750W/1P/200V
                Conveyor motor wattage90W/1P/220V
                Total wattage6.2KW

                Functional characteristics

                This product's closed structure, conveyor belt transfer method, during use, according to the size of the object, material and UV ink, using half light 50% or light 75% and 100% full light power level adjustment, can be adjusted at any time With speed and UV lamp and object irradiation distance, to improve the photo-curing effect of the object. The upper part of the machine is equipped with a delay ventilation system, which can eliminate heat in the light and solid room at any time to extend the service life of the lamp.
                This machine has the advantages of beautiful appearance, wide application range, good light and solid effect, reliable quality, safe use, and easy operation.